Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 41: SS first contact and powerpit connected

Got a call from our Site Supervisor (SS) Brian this afternoon to introduce himself - how nice! He said we'd be getting a slab this week, and we're going to meet next week - not sure what for exactly, but I have a day off and want to meet him. Brian is looking after quite a few Metricon sites in the middle eastern suburbs, so we're hoping he's experienced and got good tradies organised!

Briand is also looking after our "partner" site in Blackburn - the other Metricon redevelopment that started a week before us. We went there on the weekend, and they've just had their slab done, so hopefully this is an indication of what we have to look forward to!

Went by the site today - no work on the land, but our underground powerpit has finally been connected!

So I know - it doesn't look like an underground powerpit, right? The actual powerpit is on our side of the road on the corner of our land, connected under the road to this powerpole opposite. For months now the power cables haven't been connected, but if you look at the grey conduit running up the pole, it connects to a box under the main overhead power lines to three big cables (three phase power, right?). The good news here is that now we have a powered site, we should be getting a $1000 credit on our build as the builder doesn't need a temporary power pole.

I've said it before - to anyone redeveloping their site, if you don't already have an underground powerpit near your land, organise for one to be installed well before you plan to start building!

sarahv: not much has happened so far, but really we should only be counting activity from about Day 26 or so, as there was the xmas shutdown during that period. We're hoping that once the slab is down, then some real manic activity can start! Your newhaven is certainly moving along quickly - from what I've heard of NSW builds, M are building much faster there!

mai: Expensive way to fix your fence problem is to tear it down and replace it with a taller one. But you should enquire as to whether a trellis extension added to the existing fence is sufficient to meet the 1.8m height requirement - it's cheap and easy to add in yourself! The Nolan 50 is a maaaaaasive size house!



  1. Hi T&T
    I am taking your advise and am organizing our Underground Power Pit early. I have been told I need an electrical contractor for this. I think you had the same question when you were organizing this. I am not sure if you provided the answer. Did you have to contact an electrical contractor and what work did he have to do? How much did this cost?



  2. G'day Richard, when we applied to our energy provider (can't even remember who does the actual work now!) they emailed us a form, and it did say we had to specify a REC (Registered Electrical Contractor) on one line, but after we contacted our CSC she said to just leave it blank - so that's what we did. Basically, call your electrical retailer and ask them who installs underground powerpits in your area - might be Jemena or someone similar.


  3. Hi T&T,
    thanks for the advise. I have confirmed with United Energy that I can leave this blank.

    I am going for 3 phase and 200 amps. Did you opt for the upgraded amps and if so did Metricon install your meter box with this full 200 amp capacity?


  4. Didn't upgrade to 200 amps, no reason to... unless you're planning to run a metal refinery industrial plant from your garage perhaps? :) Hate to see your power bill if you actually have anything requiring 3 phase/200A!




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