They removed the french doors upstairs to load the plaster up there - but fortunately they remembered to put the doors back!
You can see here the bricks have been cleaned everywhere - except for the balcony, which will be rendered. You can also see a couple of downpipes - square profile, in Woodland Grey (to match the gutters), close fitted to the house. We saw another house being built in Nunawading which has huge round downpipes, not fitted close to the house and it looked unattractive, so we're glad our downpipes look good! Though where it connects to the stormwater piping at the bottom of the downpipes is not painted and is quite a long way above ground level, so it stands out in white - maybe someone will come in later to paint that?
Finally, the plumbers also had a go at correcting the ensuite shower. We have one showerhead on an adjustable rail on the right (you can just see the plumbing fitting sticking out of the frame), and one showerhead mounted on the ceiling (which was mounted on the wall). It's been moved up to the ceiling - but it's located dead centre of the shower, rather than to one side as drawn on the construction plans. We're thinking this is maybe a good idea, and leaving it as it is?
What do you think - leave the ceiling mounted showerhead in the centre of the shower, or place it to one side? Comment below!
Hey T&T - Definately a good idea to leave it in the middle! We have a large shower with a slider head on one side (similar to what you have described) and it's really annoyong... You basically loose the extra space in the shower because the head can only reach 'that' far - unless you like standing on the cold side and 'swapping' turns for hot water... I think leave it as is ;)